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HUM 121 Art Research Paper: Books

Searching for Books

Since art is a fairly stable topic, books might be a good option to search for information about a specific work of art. Use the Edison and OhioLink catalogs below to search for physical books and the Electronic Book Center to find e-books. 

LC Call Numbers

When searching for books on art, pay attention to the Library of Congress Classification number. LC classifies books by subject so all art books are in the N range:

  • N--Fine Arts (General)
  • N 5300-7429 -- Art History
  • NA--Architecture
  • NB--Sculpture
  • NC--Illustration, Design, Drawing
  • ND--Painting
  • NE--Print Media
  • NK--Decorative Arts
  • NX--Arts in General

Electronic Book Center

Edison Catalog

Use this search box to find books and other materials at the Edison Library.

OhioLINK Catalog

Use this search box to expand your search and find books and other materials at the 120+ college and university libraries in Ohio - delivered free to the Edison Library or to the Darke County Campus!

Edison State Library Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone number: 937-778-7950