Reach out to the library or tutoring center to get help on citing and formatting.
Library: 937-778-7950
Tutoring Center: 937-778-7959
To access the ebooks, Edison login credentials are required, which is Edison State username and password. If a library barcode is needed, that is the number 1973 plus student id number, example: 19730123456.
If additional help is needed, contact the Library by phone (937-778-7950) or email
Safari Books Online provides electronic books and videos in computer science, information technology, business and related fields from O'Reilly and other IT and business publishers. Note that users will be asked to enter their institutional (.edu) email address to access the site.
The Scholarly & Reference E-Book Collection contains electronic books purchased by Ohio academic libraries.
Collection contains over 17,000 ebooks on a variety of topics.