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ENG 121 Siebenaler Feature Article & Periodical Critique: Home


This guide has been created to help find example feature articles for your Feature Article assignment and magazine articles for your Magazine Critique.

If not on an Edison State campus, Edison log in credentials are required to access library resources, which is name and Library barcode number (1973 + student ID #). If you need help, contact the Library by phone (937-778-7950) or email



Edison Library and Tutoring Center Help

Reach out to the library or tutoring center anytime for help.  

  Library: 937-778-7809

  Tutoring Center: 937-778-7959

  Edison State Library      

Academic Search Complete

Nexis Uni

If you're focusing on a current or recent event, use Nexis Uni to search for recent newspaper articles on your topic. 

Edison State Library Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone number: 937-778-7950